Recovery in mental health and addiction is much more than the absence of illness or mental disorders. It is in fact a process of continuous change by which people with the lived experience of a behavioral health problem improve their overall health and well-being, lead an independent life and strive to achieve their full potential. Individually, recovery is something very personal for each person, but perhaps we can collectively bring together the necessary conditions to facilitate and encourage recovery as a trajectory of emancipation?
Recovery in mental health and addiction is much more than the absence of illness or mental disorders. It is in fact a process of continuous change by which people with the lived experience of a behavioral health problem improve their overall health and well-being, lead an independent life and strive to achieve their full potential. Individually, recovery is something very personal for each person, but perhaps we can collectively bring together the necessary conditions to facilitate and encourage recovery as a trajectory of emancipation?
The experiential knowledge of users of mental health and addiction services as a primary source of knowledge of recovery is the basis of this course, which gives a central place to peer support workers as co-learning partners. A peer support worker is a person who is experiencing or has experienced a significant behavioral health problem and whose attitudes, personal skills and training make them a model of positive recovery for both those being cared for and for caregivers and providers. They represent a source of hope and a return to the power to act while providing psychosocial support to the people they support. In this way, peer support workers promote recognition, by the peers they are supporting and the professionals with whom they are in contact, of the value of lived experience and experiential knowledge.
This training, open to all, is the result of an international collaboration between academics and peer support workers from a dozen countries spread across five continents. It was designed by the Université de Montréal and the Research Center of the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal , in partnership with the Program for Recovery & Community Health at Yale University. In this course, the fundamentals of recovery are presented through ten chapters, each presenting a dimension of recovery.
Aucune autre session de cours
François Lemieux
Conseiller pédagogique, Centre de pédagogie universitaire, Université de Montréal
Jean-Christophe Schaffner
Concepteur en médiatisation, Centre de pédagogie universitaire, Université de Montréal
Benoît Delatte
Psychiatre et Maître de Stage, Hôpital Psychiatrique du Beau Vallon, Namur
Sophie Céphale
Personne en rétablissement et Paire aidante, Association En Route
Vincent De Wouters
Personne en rétablissement et Paire aidante, Association En Route
Grégoire Ahongbonon
Personne en rétablissement, Fondateur de L’Association St-Camille de Lellis
Benoît Des Roches
Psychiatre, Centre médical Boucherville
Mark Costa
Psychiatre et Associate Research Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University
Luciano Marques Lira
Personne en rétablissement, Collectif Aflore
Maria Regina do Nascimento
Travailleuse sociale à la retraite, proche d’une personne en rétablissement
Amauri Nogueira
Personne en rétablissement, Collectif Aflore
Roger Kin Ng
Psychiatre et Professeur agrégé de clinique (Clinical associate professor), Department of Psychiatry, University of Hong Kong
Alice Kan
Personne en rétablissement et Paire chercheure, Department of Psychiatry, University of Hong Kong
Angels González Ibáñez
Professeure titulaire de psychopathologie, Université de Barcelone
Francisco José Eiroá Orosa
Chercheur, Faculté de psychologie, Université de Barcelone
Bridgett Williamson
Personne en rétablissement et pair aidante, co-directrice du Citizens Project
Patricia Benedict
Associée de recherche, Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, co-directrice du Citizens Project
Michael Rowe
Professeur et Co-directeur, Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health; Principal Investigator, Citizens Community Collaborative, Yale Department of Psychiatry
Patrick Le Cardinal
Psychiatre et médecin coordinateur, Équipe de Soutien pour le logement orientée rétablissement, Centre hospitalier spécialisé de la Savoie
Philippe Maugiron
Personne en rétablissement, médiateur de santé/pair, président de l'Association Francophone des Médiateurs de Santé Pairs (AFMSP)
Morten Brodahl
Personne en rétablissement et Conseiller, Unité consultative nationale norvégienne sur les troubles concomitants de toxicomanie et de santé mentale
Henning Pettersen
Infirmier de formation et professeur, Département de travail social, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Faculté des sciences sociales et de la santé
Helen Hamer
Independent Nurse Consultant and lecturer, Yale Program for Recovery & Community Health, University of Aukland
Debra Lampshire
Personne en rétablissement et paire chercheure; Professional Teaching Fellow University of Auckland Expert by Lived Experience Consultant
Gordon Johnston
Personne en rétablissement et pair chercheur, École de travail social et de politique sociale, University of Strathclyde
Gillian MacIntyre
Professeure adjointe (Senior Lecturer), École de travail social et de politique sociale, University of Strathclyde
Virginie Stucki
Professeur associée, Filière ergothérapie, Haute école de travail social et de la santé, Lausanne
Caroline Sutter
Personne en rétablissement, paire praticienne en santé mentale et paire chercheure, Haute école de travail social et de la santé, Lausanne